'twenty', 3=>'thirty', 4=>'fourty', 5=>'fifty', 6=>'sixty', 7=>'seventy', 8=>'eighty', 9=>'ninety'))); /** Serialized Array of small names, zero, one, etc.. up to eighteen, nineteen * @package NumberToText */ define("N2T_SMALL", serialize(array('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'))); /** Word for "dollars" * @package NumberToText */ define("N2T_DOLLARS", "dollars"); /** Word for one "dollar" * @package NumberToText */ define("N2T_DOLLARS_ONE", "dollar"); /** Word for "cents" * @package NumberToText */ define("N2T_CENTS", "cents"); /** Word for one "cent" * @package NumberToText */ define("N2T_CENTS_ONE", "cent"); /** Word for "and" * @package NumberToText */ define("N2T_AND", "and"); /** Word for "negative" * @package NumberToText */ define("N2T_NEGATIVE", "negative"); /** Number to text converter. Converts a number into a textual description, such as * "one hundred thousand and twenty-five". * * Now supports _any_ size number, and negative numbers. To pass numbers > 2 ^32, you must * pass them as a string, as PHP only has 32-bit integers. * * @author Greg MacLelan * @version 1.1 * @param int $number The number to convert * @param bool $currency True to convert as a dollar amount * @param bool $capatalize True to capatalize every word (except "and") * @param bool $and True to use "and" (ie. "one hundred AND six") * @return The textual description of the number, as a string. * @package NumberToText */ /** Changelog: * 2007-01-11: Fixed bug with invalid array references, trim() output */ function NumberToText($number, $currency = false, $capatalize = false, $and = true) { $big = unserialize(N2T_BIG); $small = unserialize(N2T_SMALL); // get rid of leading 0's /* while ($number{0} == 0) { $number = substr($number,1); } */ $text = ""; //$negative = ($number < 0); // check for negative //$number = abs($number); // make sure we have a +ve number if (substr($number, 0, 1) == "-") { $negative = true; $number = substr($number,1); // abs() } else { $negative = false; } // get the integer and decimal parts //$int_o = $int = floor($number); // store into two vars if ($pos = strpos($number,".")) { $int_o = $int = substr($number,0,$pos); $decimal_o = $decimal = substr($number,$pos + 1); } else { $int_o = $int = $number; $decimal_o = $decimal = 0; } // $int_o and $decimal_o are for "original value" // conversion for integer part: $section = 0; // $section controls "thousand" "million" etc do { // keep breaking down into 3 digits ($convert) and the rest //$convert = $int % 1000; //$int = floor($int / 1000); if ($section > count($big) - 1) { // ran out of names for numbers this big, call recursively $text = NumberToText($int, false, false, $and)." ".$big[$section-1]." ".$text; $int = 0; } else { // we can handle it $convert = substr($int, -3); // grab the last 3 digits $int = substr($int, 0, -1 * strlen($convert)); if ($convert > 0) { // we have something here, put it in $text = trim(n2t_convertthree($convert, $and, ($int > 0)).(isset($big[$section-1]) ? ' '.$big[$section-1].' ' : '').$text); } } $section++; } while ($int > 0); // conversion for decimal part: if ($currency && floor($number)) { // add " dollars" $text .= " ".($int_o == 1 ? N2T_DOLLARS_ONE : N2T_DOLLARS)." "; } if ($decimal && $currency) { // if we have any cents, add those if ($int_o > 0) { $text .= " ".N2T_AND." "; } $cents = substr($decimal,0,2); // (0.)2342 -> 23 $decimal = substr($decimal,2); // (0.)2345.. -> 45.. $text .= n2t_convertthree($cents, false, true); // explicitly show "and" if there was an $int } if ($decimal) { // any remaining decimals (whether or not $currency is set) $text .= " point"; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($decimal); $i++) { // go through one number at a time $text .= " ".$small[$decimal{$i}]; } } if ($decimal_o && $currency) { // add " cents" (if we're doing currency and had decimals) $text .= " ".($decimal_o == 1 ? N2T_CENTS_ONE : N2T_CENTS); } // check for negative if ($negative) { $text = N2T_NEGATIVE." ".$text; } // capatalize words if ($capatalize) { // easier to capatalize all words then un-capatalize "and" $text = str_replace(ucwords(N2T_AND), N2T_AND, ucwords($text)); } return trim($text); } /** This is a utility function of n2t. It converts a 3-digit number * into a textual description. Normally this is not called by itself. * * @param int $number The 3-digit number to convert (0 - 999) * @param bool $and True to put the "and" in the string * @param bool $preceding True if there are preceding members, puts an * explicit and in (ie 1001 => one thousand AND one) * @return The textual description of the number, as a string * @package NumberToText */ function n2t_convertthree($number, $and, $preceding) { $small = unserialize(N2T_SMALL); $medium = unserialize(N2T_MEDIUM); $text = ""; if ($hundreds = floor($number / 100)) { // we have 100's place $text .= $small[$hundreds]." hundred "; } $tens = $number % 100; if ($tens) { // we still have values if ($and && ($hundreds || $preceding)) { $text .= " ".N2T_AND." "; } if ($tens < 20) { $text .= $small[$tens]; } else { $text .= $medium[floor($tens/10)]; if ($ones = $tens % 10) { $text .= "-".$small[$ones]; } } } return $text; } function getmicrotime(){ list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } $currency = isset($_GET["currency"]) ? (bool)$_GET["currency"] : false; $capatalize = isset($_GET["capatalize"]) ? (bool)$_GET["capatalize"] : false; $and = isset($_GET["and"]) ? (bool)$_GET["and"] : !isset($_GET["num"]); // set to true by default if we didnt submit anything echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
Currency"; echo "
Capatalize"; echo "
Use 'and'"; echo "
"; if (isset($_GET['num'])) { $num = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]/','',$_GET['num']); echo $num . " => ".numbertotext($num, $currency, $capatalize, $and); echo "

"; exit; } $arr = array(1,2,10,11,12,20,21,100,200,202,220,223,1000,1100,1232,10000,100000,1100000,1000001,1.1,1.23,1.424,1.3005,0.1,0.23,23445.34,349.35,3476233.52); echo "Normal:

"; $time_start = getmicrotime(); foreach ($arr as $val) { //echo number_format($val,6)." => ".numbertotext($val,false,false)."
"; echo $val." => \"".numbertotext($val,false,false)."\"
"; } $time_end = getmicrotime(); $time = $time_end - $time_start; echo "Completed in $time"; echo "


"; $time_start = getmicrotime(); foreach ($arr as $val) { //echo number_format($val,6)." => ".numbertotext($val,true,true)."
"; echo $val." => ".numbertotext($val,true,true)."
"; } $time_end = getmicrotime(); $time = $time_end - $time_start; echo "Completed in $time"; echo "

"; $arr = array(-1,-32754264,7823572834.23432,"842673284525.3253",-69,1000000000,10000000000,100000000000,"1000000000000","10000000000000","100000000000000","1000000000000000","10000000000000000","100000000000000000","1000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1735493936528346132019285410348712730057341562931024518346213403490","-8365102934619034174538361493275960273462592739257246349237426342384.38651","100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); echo "Normal:

"; $time_start = getmicrotime(); foreach ($arr as $val) { //echo number_format($val,6)." => ".numbertotext($val,false,false)."
"; echo $val." => ".numbertotext($val,false,false)."
"; } $time_end = getmicrotime(); $time = $time_end - $time_start; echo "Completed in $time"; echo "


"; $time_start = getmicrotime(); foreach ($arr as $val) { //echo number_format($val,6)." => ".numbertotext($val,true,true)."
"; echo $val." => ".numbertotext($val,true,true)."
"; } $time_end = getmicrotime(); $time = $time_end - $time_start; echo "Completed in $time"; ?>